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More about administrative division:

In short about the administrative division of Latvia

Before the administrative reform Latvia was divided in 7 cities of republican importance and 26 districts, but districts were divided in more than 500 municipalities. Over the last decade the number of municipalities slowly decreased as they joined in regions. It is expected that this division of Latvia will be very popular for some time - due to this here is available the old map of administrative division - although it is not in force anymore.

Parliament took a decision in 18th December 2008 about transition to new administrative division. Thus now in Latva there are counties which so far have not been fully defined, 9 cities and 109 regions. Regions still are divided in regional municipalities and regional towns - but these units do not have special administrative meaning. Former districts now disappear from the administrative division altogether.

Map of districts

Choose a district in the map or in the list below it!

Balvi district Ludza district Rezekne Rezekne district Kraslava district Preili district Daugavpils Daugavpils district Madona district Gulbene district Aluksne district Valka district Cesis district Valmiera district Jekabpils district Limbazi district Aizkraukle district Ogre district Riga district Bauska district Dobele district Riga Jurmala Tukums district Saldus district Jelgava Jelgava district Talsi district Kuldiga district Ventspils Ventspils district Liepaja district Liepaja

Alphabetical list of districts

Daugavpils Orthodox church of St. Boris and Gleb

Daugavpils Orthodox church of St. Boris and Gleb

District Area (ha) Population 01.01.2009. Monuments described
Aizkraukle district 256 620 39 622 1
Aluksne district 224 554 23 957 0
Balvi district 238 133 26 460 0
Bauska district 188 144 50 645 8
Cesis district 297 261 56 108 3
Daugavpils 7 250 104 870 0
Daugavpils district 252 520 37 975 0
Dobele district 163 150 37 476 0
Gulbene district 187 617 25 538 0
Jekabpils district 299 460 51 707 1
Jelgava 10 000 56 069 0
Jelgava district 160 522 37 502 0
Jurmala 6 000 65 630 0
Kraslava district 228 773 32 148 1
Kuldiga district 250 052 35 199 2
Liepaja 6 037 85 149 0
Liepaja district 359 246 42 992 1
Limbazi district 260 242 37 066 1
Ludza district 241 049 30 369 0
Madona district 334 935 41 719 0
Ogre district 184 227 65 310 0
Preili district 203 608 37 268 0
Rezekne 1 800 35 625 0
Rezekne district 289 912 39 402 0
Riga 30 370 715 978 196
Riga district 313 070 173 770 1
Saldus district 218 169 36 166 0
Talsi district 274 854 46 048 1
Tukums district 244 360 54 555 2
Valka district 243 830 30 975 0
Valmiera district 235 876 57 705 0
Ventspils 5 540 43 088 1
Ventspils district 246 232 13 795 0
Total:6 463 4132 267 886218


ⓒ 2009 Gatis Pavils

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