Landmarks Records Writings Images Maps
Railway near Liede

Railway near Liede

Area:187 617 ha
% of Latvia:2,905 %
Population:25 538
% of Latvia:1,13%


District consisted of the following municipalities and towns:

Name No of monuments described Population, 01.01.2009. Area (ha) Where included? Remarks
Belava municipality 0 1 892 16 934 Gulbene region -
Dauksti municipality 0 1 274 16 486 Gulbene region -
Druviena municipality 0 570 6 757 Gulbene region -
Galgauska municipality 0 727 9 829 Gulbene region -
Gulbene 0 8 932 1 200 Gulbene region -
Jaungulbene municipality 0 1 299 9 055 Gulbene region -
Lejasciems municipality 0 1 809 33 783 Gulbene region -
Ligo municipality 0 441 7 893 Gulbene region -
Litene municipality 0 1 116 12 736 Gulbene region -
Lizums municipality 0 1 562 10 779 Gulbene region -
Ranka municipality 0 1 613 18 387 Gulbene region -
Stameriena municipality 0 1 173 13 381 Gulbene region -
Stradi municipality 0 2 130 17 351 Gulbene region -
Tirza municipality 0 1 000 13 046 Gulbene region -


District existed until the administrative reform of December 2008.


ⓒ 2009 Gatis Pavils

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